coffee… mmm

earlier this year I was bummed that Moonbean’s, the coffee shop around the corner from me, had closed. They had pulled a “going on vacation” and never came back. It was a sort of personal loss as I had a lot of history tied up in Moonbeans. This past week I was pleasantly surprised to find a new coffee shop has opened in Moonbean’s space. The coffee wasn’t bad, so I again have a place to get my fix within walking distance.

Moonbeans wasn’t the first time that a favorite haunt went on a permanent vacation. A few years before Savannah’s, a restaurant also near me that used to have the best Sunday Blues brunch, never returned from vacation (now there is a Greek restaurant in its spot). I wonder what motivates the “Going on Vacation” vs. “Closing” announcement. Is it that the owners just don’t want to admit that they’re closing? Or that they reach some type of clarity while away and give up.