rollin’ rollin’ rollin’

I’m posting this from Amityville. I’ve traveled down to Long Island for some vacation and for a wedding. Along the way I’ve had the opportunity to get in some martial arts classes along the way. Like people attract like people and I’ve managed to, through providence and luck, acquire numerous friends who study the arts. And so, with just seven days before my next ranking test, I get the chance to be inspired to greater heights by people who I love and respect. How cool is that!!!!!

I also had the great experience of being reunited with a friend I haven’t seen in 21 years! And amazingly we picked up right where we left off. Which I feel so lucky for! Needless to say (or observe from my abuse of the exclamation mark) I’m jazzed! Of course it could be the two espresso drinks that I had at the coffee shop while meeting said friend that might be responsible for that as well.