Last night, I attended my first lab class. It marked my return to a pressroom floor, though admittedly a very different type of one than those I knew in the past. The class was held in the Digital Print Lab at RIT’s Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies (CIMS).
One variable data application for the NexPress is printing custom, personalized mailers. And that was the focus of this particular lab. Students were printing out personalized postcards addressed to customers of a fictitious camera supply store. Next quarter I’ll be teaching this lab as part of a course on Variable Data Printing.
Side notes
- The above lab is currently being taught by the man known to some of this blog’s readers as MoFo. Again, it’s a small, small, world.
- The pictures from the last two days were taken with my new cell phone, the Motorola e815. I have yet to blog about it, but I cannot sing the praises of this phone highly enough. While not as drop dead sexy as the Razrs, it is pound for pound and buck for buck one of the best phones out there (and far better than the currently available Razrs, too).
I bow to you with envy: good looking job, fancy new phone, and access to lots of pretty machines. When I’m ready to make the transition back to academia please, please tell me how you got through all the hard months. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Working on a NexPress. It’s hard to get away from the big yellow box isn’t it.
I believe a very close friend of mine went to college with MoFo. He has the belt buckle right? :^) Tell him Piggy says hi!
Pretty sure its the same MoFo K (cool site btw) I’ll check in and see.