- Making Grilled Chicken Alla Diavola … I had forgotten how theraputic pounding chicken can be…. #
- @digitalhumanist is sitting in @RITOPL chatting with us about http://www.omeka.org and http://chnm.gmu.edu... this is really helpful! #
- Wow… 15 weeks seems like a long time until you try to write a syllabus — I'm assigning too many books for my digital ethnography course. #
- @digitalhumanist It was great to meet you as w ell! We really appreciated the chance to talk to you. in reply to digitalhumanist #
- RT @naypinya: Pls vote 4 our SXSW panel "When Every Book is Connected." http://is.gd/2n3Ox w/ @andrewsavikas @naypinya @booksquare @bookoven #
- RT @shrutigoradia: The Kodak Social Media team is busy collecting names for the new Kodak Video Camera. Got a name for 'em? #nameAKodak #
- Waiting for oil change to wrap up and then off to ithaca…. #
- Man, its weird to be back in the Anthro Lounge in McGraw. I'm meeting with my teaching adviser in a few minutes & I'm sorta nervous. #
- Stuff's coming together for the the move to Ithaca for this year at Cornell. I catucally plan to start blogging again by next week. #
- Printcrime anyone? – RT @caseorganic: Localizing production with 3D printers – download and printing the objects you need. #gnomedex #
- knew Kodak was looking for a name for the Zi8 ( , but I didn't know it was now available in US. Books for class or Zi8? #
- http://pic.gd/32f048 Shoes with individual toes… they're blowing my mind… #
- RT @NicoletaDCaprio: I'm seriously consdering buying a pair! The look cool for rock climbing and martial arts… #
- Check out http://personas.media.mit.edu/ and get a visualization of your presence on the web… it ends up looking a bit like your dna. #
- @NicoletaDCaprio Just curious, which martial art do you practice? And I didn't see any choice options in personas…. in reply to NicoletaDCaprio #
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