• I have 31 whuffies, gimme more http://whf.me/mattbernius #whuffiebank #
  • Have made it to Philly! Now I just have to get my presentation together for the #AAA conference! #
  • @nebbiolata Some of us are tweeting #AAA — and yes that panel would be great! in reply to nebbiolata #
  • Amazing: Lucy Suchman at #AAA discussing AI. Scary: I'm presenting on AI and Anthro tomorrow referencing her work – feeling pressure. #
  • @nebbiolata Definitely. And yes let's meet up. in reply to nebbiolata #
  • @littlehands I'm so psyched to meet her! in reply to littlehands #
  • Our #AAA09 panel begins in 12 minutes. I'm still working on my presentation… #
  • Our #aaa09 panel Human No More is starting in Grand Ballroom Salon B — Posthuman anthro, digital spirits of the dead, and more! #
  • #aaa09 panel: Tufekci – "on the internet space collapses, time stretches & Goffman meets Foucault through grassroots surveillance…" #
  • Hey #aaa09 anthro-tweeters, any interest in making a tweetup happen? #
  • @benmcmahan Thanks Ben. And thanks for remembering the DC pres. We can connect this weekend if you're still around… in reply to benmcmahan #

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