- I wonder why Hortense Powdermaker's ethnography "Hollywood The Dream Factory" went out of print? It seems so ahead of its time. #
- RT @maudnewton: The #AppleTablet cometh next Wednesday: (via @cteicher) #
- New post: smartphones and eReaders (part 1) #eReaders #
- Attending a talk on wikis at Liberty H #
- @rachbarnhart One of the @wegmans' tweeters is married to Kodak's Chief Blogger! <- Those two are building a social media dynasty #
- Gawker media is running a survey sweepstakes: the prize is a Apple Tablet (when it comes out) – they won't spam : #
- Check out the *beta*of our #QR code based social networking game for #drupal – It's great for live events – #
- Sitting in my very cold apartment in Ithaca. Brrrr! #
- RT @andrewsavikas: 3MM readers of ebooks on smartphones 1 out of 5 new iphone apps are #ebooks #
- RT @Grant27: culture quiz: wht's the movie whr rstrnt servers talk abt their badges that show their enthusiasm 4 the job > Office Space #
- #Amazon announces a SDK for the #Kindle (for readers, iphone and desktop). Zagats and Sonic Book announce kindle apps. #
- RT @designrelated: RT @brianslawson: Neato… RT @pucpuggy: Check out Organic Typography at MIT. http://web.media.mit.edu/~rthe/type/ #
- @ljc … have I mentioned recently how much you and the Kodak social media crew rock?! #
- RT @doctorow: Gen'l interst newspaper paywalls will only work if every major paper does it at once. One refusnik makes the strategy a loser #
- RT @doctorow: News is a substitutable commodity, so's opinion. Investigative reportage is valuable, but its facts can't be owned #
- RT @doctorow: It's not news if you tell people they're not allowed to discuss (ie blog) it. We call that a "secret," not a "story" #
- crud… classes haven't even started and I've already gotten my first homework assignment from #cornell #
- This makes perfect sense if you know Japan: Enhanced Harlequin romance novels published in Japanese for Nintendo DS : #
- Ok, off to my last martial arts class for a while… #
- I just unlocked the "Newbie" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/7QymEc #
- to talk eBooks (@ tap & mallet) http://4sq.com/5n0t7p #
- Finally got Dre onto facebook. The world will never be the same…. #
- @laerm sorry 'bout that. Next time you can join us for beer and eReaders… in reply to laerm #
- Onto working on a proposal to bring @ritopl to the Open Knowledge Conf. (#okcon2010) to discuss Open Source Pub Research and academic labs. #
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