- Upgrading waking-dream to wordpress 3.0 beta, all the while knowing I should really do this on my testing instance… #
- And waking dream is still up after the update to the new #wordpress beta. Woot! #
- @BiellaColeman I am anti-"digital native" – its way too (geographically/culturally) flattening and tech determinalist in reply to BiellaColeman #
- RT @BiellaColeman: Great job at CIS <- especially if you're interested in being based in Bangalore #
- @BiellaColeman I think I'm going to use "totally suck term" as a term of art from this point on… in reply to BiellaColeman #
- @BiellaColeman Not sure if we can find a term w/out baggage to replace DN. Maybe the better Q is what's the best baggage to settle for? #
- Sorry to my followers, but this offer of a FREE IPAD was just too good! Follow and RT to win! #Ambrosia #
- @amitorit That's too bad -> I mean that you can't make it, not that lucy has a play. in reply to amitorit #
- The only problem with the amazing Pixels video is that it isn't available in 3D – #
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