- @ Newark en route back to Ithaca from #newsfoo What an amazing event! Thanks to @sarawinge @jenny8lee and the other organizers & sponsors! #
- Just posted a (long) meditation on the role of philosophy and friction at #newsfoo – #
- Today is wall-to-wall meetings with students and hopefully time to write about #wikileaks and #newsfoo #
- Crud! Forgot that today was @smascrit … still playing catch up after #newsfoo .. sad I missed @jeffjarvis @uberlegitimate @kodakCB & more #
- rt @laerm Hi, so I now work for Monotype. (That is to say, Ascender is now part of Monotype.) <- #Typography #type #fonts !! #
- RT @CMcGranahan: good for #anthro grad students too: RT @MichaelJAltman A Digital Toolbox for Grad Students in History #
- "The public gives the media mixed reviews on their handling of the WikiLeaks documents. http://pewrsr.ch/fkMKMD " [RT @PEJPew] fyi #newsfoo #
- RT @digiphile: My first @NPR interview, on @WAMU885 re #digitaldivide http://j.mp/hoiyu9 Good company with @MikeNelson & @BryanSivak. #
- Dawe: what's on Twitter is the "raw cookie dough of news" – not the final product but it still tastes good! #smacsrit via @uberlegitimate #
- I've tried to make of all the lists of books and articles discussed @ #newsfoo (with links ). Which did I miss? #
- Thanx @digiphile , I added it! #
- BTW – You can access and download all 2200+ #newsfoo tweets via twapper keeper – #
- Did anyone archive the #smacrit tweets? #
- @jdunck … Is something wonky going on with the site? #
- @jdunck It is and I may haved turned caching off. I desperately need to update the site. #
- @xanthe twapperkeeper.com is what I use… See my earlier tweet for an example. #
- @rbole Is that newswork self-review publicly available? #
- @webjournalist – Hey, somehow we failed to talk at Newsfoo, would you be available for a phone chat sometime? I'd love to interview you… #
- @webjournalist oops… thought you were there. Either way you've been on my list of interesting people that I need to talk to for a bit #
- Brilliant essay by @Chanders (w/@BiellaColeman assist) : Wikileaks, hacking journalistic culture, & future of news http://nie.mn/gAD2ti #
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