- Great "what ignites creative energy" infographic (), though post #scs2011 I notice "play" isn't directly in it #
- G. Herman's portraits of popular bloggers at work: http://theatln.tc/exLdrz via @TheAtlanticTech <- Note visual theme of solitary author #
- #halfthestory @tavissmiley – You can say anything about anybody on the internet. The hate, the venom, the lack of fact checking… #
- #otherhalf – @tavissmiley, anything can be said, but "facts" do get sorted out over time (see: wikipedia & even twitter) through dialog #
- Must read (meta)essay on Roger Ailes in Esquire. http://jr.ly/ue6b – both good journalism and parody of Fox Voice. via @jayrosen_nyu #
- RT @BiellaColeman: Marxist scholar should tie the crisis of commodity overproduction w/ academic article/book overproduction. <- Yes! +1 #
- @LionelatDell – Writing an article about using #dellStreak for ethnographic research. Need to get info bout headphone jack. Can you help? #
- @DellCares – Writing an article about using #dellStreak for ethnographic research. Need to get info bout headphone jack. Can you help? Plz! #
- Thank you, @ianhoch. "Print isn't dead, it's just choking on a cracker." http://yfrog.com/hs5j7wj (via @jkriss & @tezcatlipoca) #
- @DellCares – Thnx, already checked there. No info on if #dellstreak headjack powered (for condenser mic) & 2 wiring for mic adapters #
- @dellcares – btw, getting 404 equiv on the links on http://dell.to/e85I6P #
- My contribution to this month's #CarnivalofJournalism on ideas about connect anthro and journalists: #
- #jcarn roundup from @digidave. If you're interested in the Academia/J-School/News connection, start here: #
- "We have;…overestimated value of info access & underestimated value of access to one another"-@cshirky http://oreil.ly/fyYdUX via @digiphile #
- What's your Office like? Do you eRead there? Tell us and you could win an eReaders or 10 free eBooks! http://on.fb.me/goB90d #kobo #contest #
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