• #feminist and #STS scholar ?: anyone familiar with "Critique to Care" (or possibly "crit with care") @ can share references? #
  • @muzenews Really @muzenews, that's awesome. @megpickard rocks online and in person! #
  • @megpickard Hey I gotta give a fellow anthropologist her props. BTW, looking forward to chatting at that engagement event in May… #
  • @muzenews I did… she rocks. We'll get the chance to hang out in a couple weeks too! #
  • Latour: I naively believe in some facts because I am educated, while others are too unsophisticated to be gullible – #
  • Thnx @amitorit lookin forward to reading through that later this week. #
  • Anyone know of any good histories of the "#" (hash tag) on twitter? Folk or academic would both be great… #
  • @sopphey – Thanks! That's perfect. #
  • My first build on @vitorious critique of Open Source culture: A primer on Feminsim – #
  • @kat_braybrooke – we should talk at some-point… have you seen @vitorious post? #
  • RT @vitorious: @kat_braybrooke @justinpickard Also see @ginatrapani's eloquent and experienced response: (+1 to that) #

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