- 2 Thoughts about #halftime – first, was that one pea's outfit inspired by a carebear? #
- 2Nd #halftime ? – Slash is against gitaur hero G&R, but ok with Fergies halftime G&R?! #
- @nathan_lipke thanks… that actually makes far more sense. #
- Posted my draft PhD research statement (Studying the Makers/ing of the Future of #News ) – I'd love comments – #
- @quinnnorton – trust me, you are anything *but* useless to this. A lot of the foudnation to this articulation come from our #newsfoo talk. #
- #badoldanthro – Balanese Requiem – "On Bali we came across a funeral rite underway" – turns people into a nature film subjects #
- *Sigh* – I love how old anthro films never have subtitles… undergrads really appreciate that… #10MinutesOfUnnarratedBalanese #
- I think my post PhD project will be starting mashup workshops helping local media makers remix old anthro films about their culure #
- @@jennycarlson – just wiki'd it and I definitely need to track down a copy of "Divine Horsemen" – btw, was that a 100/200 lvl course? #
- @jennycarlson – out of curiosity, is it good? And is there any narration? Or is it just "raw" footage? #
- @jennycarlson That sounds good. It's the on-again/off-again narration, and random subtitles in this film (Balanese Requium) that kills me. #
- @heather_hear Thanks! #
- @@heather_hear – Can I buy you a vitrual beer? That was really helpful! #
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