As part of my Data Driven Print class, I want to present some models of how ideas spread through communities. One of the ones I wish to address is Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point. If this was a graduate class, or perhaps I was at a different school, I’d probably make the entire class read the book. However, that isn’t a current option.
I seem to remember that around 2000/2001, as the book was beginning to gain popularity, a business magazine published an article, possibly by Gladwell, that encapsulated the core concepts of the book. This is an article that I’d really like to use. The problem is I have no idea where it appeared. It might have been in Fast Company. But I’m not sure.
So, I turn to you, gentle blog reader. If anyone out there has any ideas where it might have appeared can you let me know. Just drop me a comment. I’ll be your adoring fan for ever!
If it’s not Fast Company, then the other likely contenders are Wired and Business 2.0. Slight chance that there was something in the Atlantic–that about exhausts my regular magazine list, but I remember that article also.
Is this it?
Also try:
If not,
You can do a search in magazines using the library’s website:
Matt –
You may want to look into ‘meme theory’ or ‘memetics’ too – which is all about the propogation and persistence of information as a parallel to the biological systems that sustain them.
Dive deep on wikipedia.