Sorry about that everyone. Sometimes I’m such a noob.

In my e-mail que this morning was an invite to It had been sent to me by an business associate. Being the Social Networking patsy that I am, I decided to go through the joining process. After registering, and avoiding the pay-to-play options, the website volunteered to search through it’s member database to see if any of my friends were already members. All I had to do was let it look at my g-mail address list. This seemed like a good idea at the time to my sleepy brain.


I unfortunately missed this little clause:

We’ll find your friends and family who are already members and also automatically invite any non-members to join (it’s free!).

I just failed the internet.

I also have a feeling that this “helpful feature” is going to create a lot of problems for

Update: as I expected the e-mails are beginning to flow into my inbox from folks who received the spam…