- Meeting with my team for IT in sociocultural context to work on our final paper… #
- RT @RIT_Alumni One week left to vote for #RIT in the Google Street View Trike competition! Thanks for your help! #
- Thinking about biting the bullet and buying the "Thesis" wordpress theme. Any opinions on if it's worth it? #
- On a different note, it's wonderful and weird to discover that a number of people you went to high school with have Wikipedia pages… #
- @JessicaLovesMe re:thesis — normally I'd agree, but I just don't have the time to Mod with everything else going on in my life in reply to JessicaLovesMe #
- RT @dancohen Via Read 2.0 & @naypinya, the clearest explanation I've seen of the revised Google Books settlement: http://is.gd/524yH [PDF] #
- @rachbarnhart Great places to start on Google wave are http://mashable.com/2009/05/28/google-wave-guide/ & http://completewaveguide.com/ in reply to rachbarnhart #
- Thanks for the suggestions @sopphey & @markfrisk ,,, still not sure what I'm going to do… #
- Scan Tailor: free software for fixing scanned pages (splits page, correct rotation & more). Perfect for prep'ing PDFs #
- Google's swirl graphical image search engine is a pretty amazing experience (and an easy way to lose 20 minutes) – #
- NZ Book Council's absolutely amazing stop-motion video is a wonderful take on the materiality of books/print: (@gizmodo) #
- "Go West" an absolutely amazing stop-motion video is a wonderful take on the materiality of books: (link fixed) #
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