• Back in Ithaca after an amazing #aaa09 – its given me lots to think about & it looks like I'll be writing a book chapter! #
  • Dr K's revised ideas for AAA meetings: http://ow.ly/IWxg #aaa09 – Dr K chould have come to the "Human no more" panel #
  • My #AAA09 #fail — missing the chance to get 20% off on the recently released Anthopology of News and Journalism – #
  • @juliandibbell The foo-fooness of key limes would totally negate the machismo of the mezcal in reply to juliandibbell #
  • @DeniceSzafran Thanks for the compliments on the panel. in reply to DeniceSzafran #
  • Best book I got at #AAA09 Alex Dent's rocking "River of Tears: Country Music, Memory, & Modernity in Brazil" from @dukepress – Alex rocks! #
  • WTF @Tweetdeck ??!! My "New Followers" randomly places new followers (far) below the fold line. Sorry that I've missed all of you! #
  • Stretch, walk home, and then off to a Cornell STS party that involves drinks on fire. #
  • RT @CMcGranahan: post-#aaa09, #\CASCA conference in Montreal, May 31-June 3 http://3.ly/LGT – The theme is "Networks and new spaces" #
  • For those folks interested in my #AAA09 paper, check out NYT's "Optimism as AI Pioneers Reunite" – (tnx @maximolly) #
  • Channelling my inner Andrew Sullivan, here's a view from my window on snowy Ithaca morning – http://tweetphoto.com/6108453 #
  • Is anyone else getting random tweet txt messages to their phones? Or is it just me? #
  • @muzenews: @mattBernius I'm using tweetdeck, and I'm pretty sure @ljc & @tostina are too — perhaps we've found the culprit! in reply to muzenews #
  • OPL'ers are kicking butt and taking names at the first all hands meeting of the quarter… http://tweetphoto.com/6181705 #
  • I'm "Reassembling the Social" with the help of Bruno Latour. #
  • @BiellaColeman @BiellaColeman try to treat digital media as a plural… in reply to BiellaColeman #
  • #FF – anthro peeps: @sarahgrant @americanAnthro @aaapubs @biellacoleman @deniceszafan @mwesch @ilianaorama @nebbiolata @benmcmahan #
  • RT @naypinya: RT @EFF: Must-read: why your FB friends list is "the most important information to keep private": http://eff.org/r.d7Q #
  • Innovation du jour: (Pittsford Farms Dairy) Eggnog can be whipped into solid peaks! Add it to gingerbreak pancakes for extra goodness! #

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