• Published the first of a series of articles on CES, eReaders, Tablets, and the future of Publishing at @ritopl site – #
  • Mac Firefox is having problems rendering individual post pages on . what's wrong with my css? #
  • Thanks for all the help on the CSS. I totally failed nesting on that template – it was really mess up. Does it now look different? #
  • @laerm Does the page look correct now? in reply to laerm #
  • Chris Anderson, Margaret Atwood, Katherine Hayles & more are at RIT in June for "The Future of Reading" Conference – #
  • Woot! I got a local instance of PHP & WordPress running on my laptop! I finally have a testing environment! #
  • @ivanmironchuk I've run 2.9 for a while. My problem was not having a robust template design/testing environ. Redesign here I come. in reply to ivanmironchuk #
  • @ivanmironchuk Nice. Will it be a WP site too? in reply to ivanmironchuk #
  • @JessicaLovesMe Dunno in reply to JessicaLovesMe #
  • Grrr… why no native footnote support wordpress?! #
  • @scott_ish it isn't tested on the latest version and hasn't been updated in over a year, so I'm not feeling the love for it. in reply to scott_ish #
  • @scott_ish & @jessicallovesme -> stop raining on my righteous indignation at the lack of footnotes in wordpress (scott: answer is no) #
  • started today at the public market… got short ribs for tonight! #
  • Taking advantage of weather and channelling LJC to makes grilled Korean Short Ribs. #

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