I’m in a class and I really try not to surf during class. But there is a person who’s ongoing polemic is making us all stupider by the minute. Seriously, the intelligence is being sucked out of the room as she speaks. Getting dumber… me fail english… that unposs-ee-bal.
yes, the most crucial thing about the shift to digital is the new cameras that need to be purchased.
I’m in a class and I really try not to surf during class.
Hi, I found you on the “next blog/random blog” thing.
I have to take a “beginners” computer course this summer (its manditory for my degree) and I’m dreading it b/c I know all I’ll want to do is surf the web while the teacher shows us what a mouse does.
and “Anonymous” you claim no one ever replies to comments!
trust me anita, and open internet connection is a difficult thing…
and “Anonymous”… it was actually the earlier one (involving reality tv). Glad to know I’m not the only one who is slacking… or getting frustrated.