Well, I’ve already slipped my “I’ll post every Monday thru Thursday” promise. Given my track record this should come as no surprise.
The last three days have been spent learning how much the School of Print Media (SPM) and RIT have changed since I graduated. This will most likely go on for a while. I attended my first faculty meeting and met most of the SPM staff. One of the things to file in the “it’s a small world” category is that my former upstairs neighbor, Dr. Franziska Frey, is now on the school’s staff. Interestingly, it was another upstairs neighbor from 195 Merriman St who unknowingly set this entire process in motion. I with hence forth refer to this pattern of serendipity as the “195 Effect.”
Today’s theme will be reading and research. Yesterday I raided the RIT Library and returned with a stack of books on the 15th century European evolution of print. I’m interested in learning a bit more about Messrs. J. Gutenberg and A. Manutius (both the Greater and the Younger).
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