My home computer seems to have developed a nasty virus. It’s sorta been an issue of when not if this was going to happen. Serves me right for running without virus software or a personal firewall. *Sigh* My procastination comes back to bite me again. Thankfully my files don’t seem to have been corrupted. Un the down side it’s remapped my keyboard. So that’s going to be a pain until I can fix it.
The Mardi Gras is further along than in previous years. I ended up buying two smaller fresh turkey’s to deep fry (rater than go through the pain on defrosting one large one). All the ingredients have been purchased as well. I’ll start cooking tonight and be done tomorrow ’round 6.00pm. Rock on! Hopefully, if I can lick that virus tonight, I’ll have a webcam up and running this year!
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