Archives for category: tweets
  • 2 Thoughts about #halftime – first, was that one pea's outfit inspired by a carebear? #
  • 2Nd #halftime ? – Slash is against gitaur hero G&R, but ok with Fergies halftime G&R?! #
  • @nathan_lipke thanks… that actually makes far more sense. #
  • Posted my draft PhD research statement (Studying the Makers/ing of the Future of #News ) – I'd love comments – #
  • @quinnnorton – trust me, you are anything *but* useless to this. A lot of the foudnation to this articulation come from our #newsfoo talk. #
  • #badoldanthro – Balanese Requiem – "On Bali we came across a funeral rite underway" – turns people into a nature film subjects #
  • *Sigh* – I love how old anthro films never have subtitles… undergrads really appreciate that… #10MinutesOfUnnarratedBalanese #
  • I think my post PhD project will be starting mashup workshops helping local media makers remix old anthro films about their culure #
  • @@jennycarlson – just wiki'd it and I definitely need to track down a copy of "Divine Horsemen" – btw, was that a 100/200 lvl course? #
  • @jennycarlson – out of curiosity, is it good? And is there any narration? Or is it just "raw" footage? #
  • @jennycarlson That sounds good. It's the on-again/off-again narration, and random subtitles in this film (Balanese Requium) that kills me. #
  • @heather_hear Thanks! #
  • @@heather_hear – Can I buy you a vitrual beer? That was really helpful! #

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  • Rocking the @grayhoundbus wireless — Ithaca, here I come! #
  • Finally getting around to replacing — Q: Would registering "" be too goofy/early 2000's? #
  • @mdaneman – Your Wizard news that came literally 2 tweets after Atlantic tweeted this comic goodness: #
  • @mdaneman Touche. #

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  • Great "what ignites creative energy" infographic (), though post #scs2011 I notice "play" isn't directly in it #
  • G. Herman's portraits of popular bloggers at work: via @TheAtlanticTech <- Note visual theme of solitary author #
  • #halfthestory @tavissmiley – You can say anything about anybody on the internet. The hate, the venom, the lack of fact checking… #
  • #otherhalf – @tavissmiley, anything can be said, but "facts" do get sorted out over time (see: wikipedia & even twitter) through dialog #
  • Must read (meta)essay on Roger Ailes in Esquire. – both good journalism and parody of Fox Voice. via @jayrosen_nyu #
  • RT @BiellaColeman: Marxist scholar should tie the crisis of commodity overproduction w/ academic article/book overproduction. <- Yes! +1 #
  • @LionelatDell – Writing an article about using #dellStreak for ethnographic research. Need to get info bout headphone jack. Can you help? #
  • @DellCares – Writing an article about using #dellStreak for ethnographic research. Need to get info bout headphone jack. Can you help? Plz! #
  • Thank you, @ianhoch. "Print isn't dead, it's just choking on a cracker." (via @jkriss & @tezcatlipoca) #
  • @DellCares – Thnx, already checked there. No info on if #dellstreak headjack powered (for condenser mic) & 2 wiring for mic adapters #
  • @dellcares – btw, getting 404 equiv on the links on #
  • My contribution to this month's #CarnivalofJournalism on ideas about connect anthro and journalists: #
  • #jcarn roundup from @digidave. If you're interested in the Academia/J-School/News connection, start here: #
  • "We have;…overestimated value of info access & underestimated value of access to one another"-@cshirky via @digiphile #
  • What's your Office like? Do you eRead there? Tell us and you could win an eReaders or 10 free eBooks! #kobo #contest #

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  • Thoughts on Saturday: on twitter journalism, cronkite, and sausage making – – would love feedback #newsfoo #wjchat #
  • @nancybaym – We'er doing the same thing with "The Breakup 2.0" (reading over V. Day) in our Cultural Concepts class @ Cornell. #
  • Speak with Conviction in #Typography – amazing spoken wrd poetry + animation on authority – (tnx @CMcGranahan) #
  • @egreenpg – Thanks! Followed up with a reply/question! #
  • ? for #journalists and #pubmedia folks … Anyone know who started the modern used of the term "Acts of Journalism"? #
  • #dell #dellstreak ?: 1 – what's the wiring of the headphone jack? 2 – Does the #streak jack provide power for a mic? @DellHomeUS #
  • But, @jeffjarvis, hating God-hates-fags seems to be the only thing that bring the left and right together after a tragedy… #
  • RT @stereogab: Help WNYC out the Senator with the secret hold that squashed last year's Whistleblower Protection Act #
  • Glad I opted to take the train to #scs2011 … NYC here I come! #
  • @heathershae Till Friday. Will be in NYU area… #
  • @megpickard What counts as social media? Specifically Web 2.0 apps/platforms? #
  • @megpickard – Ok, Usenet, Circa 1997 – the first time someone with no promting asked me to answer ? w/o directly contacting me via email. #
  • @heathershae Will check in later about that. #
  • Anyone know the name of the collaboration/competition #game that's used in #economics (i.e. 2 player, can choose to either share or take)? #
  • Thanks @xanthm – that was it… #
  • (long) post on relation between culture, news & politics: why the tucson shooting, not the gunman, was political #
  • @benvanderberg NYC Ben #
  • @benvanderberg totally out of loop with you cool kids… Waz iz Pit? #
  • @marcedavis #scs2011 – Computation was one thing that I was hinting at w/the promise of ebooks is the renewal and reactivation of content. #
  • For more cool marginalia, see samples from David Foster Wallace's personal collection.. #scs2011 #
  • #scs2011 – Your can read he book-lover's enchiridion by Alexander Ireland using @internetarchive book browser – #
  • #scs2011 – Following @stml's talk on sublime book-as-objects, check out Benjamin's "Unpacking my library" – (pdf) #
  • Guardian Zombie Tennis live blog (via @stml at #scs2011#
  • @agpublic big idea: Smart objects risk creating public spaces where there is NOT a reasonable expectation of privateness. #scs2011 #
  • #msc2011 – "the real good chair experiment film" – #
  • #scs2011 – GPS + Free Chairs = "The real good chair experiment film" – #
  • @undermanager: liberate newspapers from news w/underutilized printers & indesign server: #scs2011 #print #
  • @alexismadrigal– Killer quote from Russell Davies on <- liberating newspapers from the news #
  • @tomtaylor @russelldavies: We have broken your business, now we want your machines #scs2011 #
  • @alexismadrigal These guys (from are so lantic tech worthy ! #
  • @alexismadrigal – they're doing amazing stuff (li.e. newspaper) on reclaiming abandoned infrastructure (printer, pay phones) for new ideas #
  • @alexismadrigal – also add to your "watch list" – Adam Greenfield (@agpublic) Public Objects, Connected Things & Civic Responsibilities #
  • @prntscreen – #scs2011 Microsoft Social Computing Symposium #
  • @tomtaylor @russelldavies – Abandoned infrastructures to ready to build on – receipt printers, faxes, public phones, Detroit… #scs2011 #
  • @prntscreen yes… #itp #
  • @moleitau: "Zeno's paradox of ubiquitous computing / internet of things": we're always almost there now and still never arrive. #scs2011 #
  • Great #scs2011 theme: How playful thinking can transform current and abandoned tech & infrastructure into novel new things & experiences #
  • #scs2011 Chris Oshea's Hand From Above Application/Public Installation – via @moleitau #
  • @mattB – keeping manufact. cost 4 consumer electronics low results in using of cheaper, more hackable (vs proprietary) tech – #scs2011 #
  • @tomcoates They're pretty similiar… Especially between MacGyer and nu Who… #
  • @Chanders @mathewi – M. Sahlin's recent work () is helpful to think about how/why social media might activate an event #
  • @@moleitau – Bruce Lee, not Macgyver, was the anti-James Bond… Macgyver was still an agent of the man… #
  • @rabble Very cool on the web terminals to HIV clinic admin… any chance you have a link to more info? #
  • @rabble THNX! #

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  • Cracked Gorilla Glass on my #dellstreak .. oh noes! No idea how it happened! #dell support is excellent and new unit is on its way! Go #dell #
  • Uber cool 3D #bookart made by Thomas Allen from pulp novel covers (via @io9) – & #
  • @laerm – As opposed to Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer covering Bob Marley, which is far better than one might think – #
  • @quinnnorton +1 to that idea (the normal people wikileaks write up) #
  • RT @CMcGranahan: Dear @americananthro, take note: RT @mlaconvention Free wifi @ conference. Use it. You certainly lobbied hard enough! +1 #
  • RT @thmafi: using a semicolon is like getting married: only works if both parts can exist independently & are already complete on their own. #
  • Interesting tactic: @whitehouse buys "Obamacare" search term and points it @ – via NPR Transcript #
  • #Android App Developer Usability #EpicFail Batch reInstall Apps that don't have a "select all" feature… (almost all of them btw) #
  • @acarvin Also amoung the confirmed dead (multiple sources is) U.S. District Court Justice John Cole #
  • Note that on # of #giffords deaths, the Dr reported the # of victims who died @ the hospital. Those who died on scene not in count. #
  • @anthroworks – Whats especially worth watching is the talk page for #giffords #
  • @acarvin – For the work you are doing, I wish I could *buy* you a beer… #
  • RT @jeffjarvis: No, a very ill man and & culture unequipped to contain him>@LAJP: I call today another example of our very ill culture. #
  • RT @mathewi: Craig Silverman uses Storify to collect the inaccurate media reports about the Giffords shooting: #
  • @hbillings – If you are still looking for help moving wordpress ping me and I can give you some advice (did it pretty recently) #

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